NoNaWriMo ghosts of the past, present, and yet to come

I didn’t mean to actually give up on BEDA that fast. I was going to post yesterday, but then I was out all day (watching auto-crossing, book browsing, and grocery shopping) and forgot to blog when I finally got on the computer.

But I did accomplish something! I will tell you a story first. Last year I participated in NaNoWriMo. I didn’t write the 50 000 words. I made it to 27 000 words and then Deathly Hallows: Part I was released, and so I spent 24 hours away from the computer and didn’t get any writing done that day or the next, and then I lost motivation completely and stopped writing my novel (so, yes, I do fail quite often). I am very happy, though, that I even made it halfway!

Anyways, that novel I started has been sitting in my “writing” folder for months now, collecting virtual dust, and finally yesterday I opened it and continued writing. I hope I can finish it, no matter how bad it sucks, before NaNoWriMo 2011. I barely finish any of the writing I start, and that bad habit needs to change.

This has been a blog post.